Baselines Tab

These settings are for calculating baseline labor and schedule information.

Weekly Scheduling Hrs (Before)

Avg number of man-hours per week spent on manually scheduling equipment before Events2HVAC was in use.

Weekly Scheduling Hrs (After)

Avg number of man-hours per week spent on manually scheduling equipment after Events2HVAC was in use.

Estimated Labor Cost ($/hr)

Estimated avg labor cost (including employment costs) for scheduling personnel.

Default Baseline Schedule

Select the name of the weekly schedule to make the default schedule.  This will be the fallback schedule of any zone that doesn’t have a defined schedule or a parent building/campus schedule defined.

Recalc Baselines

Whenever the default baseline is changed or if you modify existing baselines schedules or their assignments to zones, the daily and monthly baseline calculations for past entries will not reflect the changes.  Only the baselines for the next day and future days will reflect those changes.

This button will recalculate all past daily and monthly baseline data.  For large sites this may take several minutes depending on the number of days and equipment actions that are used.