Checking for BACnet Devices

Before installing the E2H software on a server, you should first test to make sure the BACnet devices can be discovered from that server.  Streamside Solutions has provided some tools to help do this.

Login to your account at and go to the Events2HVAC product resources page.


Click on the BACnet Explorer link in the Diagnostic Tools section to open the application page.  Hit the RUN button to download and run the client application on your PC.  You should run this application on the server that will be hosting Events2HVAC.


The explorer application will open and attempt to execute a WHOIS command to discover any BACnet/IP devices.  If no devices show up except the application device (device 0), either your devices are on a different LAN subnet or they are not operating in BACnet/IP mode.



To test for BACnet Ethernet devices, you will need to add another network port definition.

If you don’t see anything except device 0, then you need to go to Tools à Device Settings.  Add a new port:

Select Ethernet Tab and select your network card.

 add port

You should have 2 ports defined:  Hit OK 

If you don’t see any devices, then you'll need to contact support for additional help.