Connection Tab

This tab defines the connection to your event calendar.

Domain Name

Enter your domain name (without the https://) to your ChMS web site.


Enter the user name of the user that will be used to connect to the calendar.  We recommend creating a separate user account for Events2HVAC to login with.  You can reduce the permissions to only be able to read the calendar.


Enter the password for the user.

Timezone of Calendar

When you first connect to your domain and login, the timezone setting in your calendar will be discovered and will show in this field.  You will get a warning message if your local timezone does not match this setting.  E2H will process and execute scheduled commands to your system based on your local timezone setting on the Events2HVAC server.

Log Requests

Check this to enabled all Api requests to be logged to the E2H log file.  You must have E2H logging severity set to DEBUG to see these messages.

Log Responses

Check this to enabled all Api responses to be logged to the E2H log file.  You must have E2H logging severity set to DEBUG to see these messages.

Note:  You should turn off Log Requests and Log Responses after you have debugged your issues otherwise your log files will be filled with unnecessary extra data.