The Data Link tab allows you to tell the server what BACnet data link layer mode will used to send BACnet commands. Each mode has its own system requirements and should be set based on your current network requirements. The two modes are:
BACnet/IP (Annex J)
This will enable the driver to send and receive BACnet
messages using BACnet/IP using the UDP port as setup in the server settings
tab. The selected Ethernet adapter will bind the driver to IP address
BACnet Ethernet (IEEE 802.3)
This will enable the driver to send and receive BACnet
messages using Ethernet via the selected network adapter. This mode is not
the recommended mode since BACnet Ethernet messages don’t get routed correctly
through IP routers.
Note: After any updates to the data link settings, you must restart the Events2HVAC Windows service on the server for the changes to be seen.
In either mode, make sure you select the correct network interface card (NIC) adapter that you want the BACnet driver to bind to. For BACnet/IP, the NIC should be assigned a static IP address instead of a dynamic one.