This action will set the door’s override timezone in the terminal. Using this action will enable you to create a time zone for the room that will either lock the door or unlock the door and use those timezones to force the terminal into the desired state for the event start and stop.
This action applies to the following event triggers:
• EventStartStop
• EventSetupTeardown
• ZoneFirstLastEventStartStop
• ZoneFirstLastSetupTeardown
Field Name |
Description |
Range |
Terminal Name |
Name of the door terminal |
Partition Name |
Name of the partition (ignored if a non-partitioned system) |
Start Event Timezone |
Enter the override timezone to be set when the event starts. Usually this will cause the door to unlock. |
String. Must match timezone name exactly. |
Stop Event Timezone |
Enter the override timezone to be set when the event stops. Usually this will cause the door to lock. |
String. Must match timezone name exactly. |