This action will enable you to unlock a door at the start of an event, and either lock it or return to schedule after the end of the event.
This action applies to the following event triggers:
• EventStartStop
• EventSetupTeardown
• ZoneFirstLastEventStartStop
• ZoneFirstLastSetupTeardown
Field Name |
Description |
Range |
Door Name |
Name of the door terminal |
Door ID |
ID of the door in the EntraPass system |
Integer (Required) |
After Event Ends |
What action will occur at the end of the triggering event? Lock Door or Return to Schedule |
N/A |
This button reads the door status information and displays it in the door status results area.
Test Start
This button sends an UNLOCK command to simulate the start portion of the event trigger (e.g. Event Start).
Test Stop
This button sends a LOCK or RETURN TO SCHEDULE command to simulate the stop portion of the event trigger (e.g. Event Stop).