EMS Platform Services API Connection

You may optionally connect using the EMS web API. This is a separate web component that allows 3rd party systems to access the EMS data using Platform Services REST api services.

Please contact your EMS representative for instructions on obtaining and installing the Platform Services API. 

You will need to know the web API URL after it is installed, and the EMS administrator will need to create client ID for the Events2HVAC login.  See instructions below.

Platform Services API Settings Needed





Client ID


Client Secret


Client Routes

(See Roles Below)

To view the API documentation: https://{yoursite}.emscloudservice.com /platform/api/v1/static/swagger-ui/

To view the Platform API status:  https://{yoursite}.emscloudservice.com/platform/status

To create client Id’s and permissions:  https://{yoursite}.emscloudservice.com/platform/admin#/