Events2HVAC Setup

Before connecting Events2HVAC to your SmartBuildings devices, you’ll need to add the application to your SmartBuildings account.

1.  Open the E2H client.

2.  Select Device Interface àSmartBuildingsà SmartBuildings Options.  (Note: If you don’t see this option, either you didn’t load the SmartBuildings interface during setup of Events2HVAC, or you need to rediscover your devices using Device Interface Manager.)

3.  On the Connection tab, enter the connection information specific to your system. 



4.  Open the Default Settings tab and enter the default settings for your thermostats.


5.  Open the Buildings tab and discover all your site’s building locations.  Select which buildings you want to retrieve thermostats from.


6.  Open the Thermostats tab and click the Discover button.  All the thermostats found in the selected buildings will be shown.  The thermostats that you discover will appear as drop-down list items when you define the equipment actions for each zone.

7.  Save the settings by clicking on OK button.  Make sure you restart the Events2HVAC_Service after saving.