EWS Basic Authentication Info

Login Email Address

Enter an email address to login to Exchange.

If this account does not have a mailbox in exchange or cannot impersonate resource mailboxes, you must enable impersonation and add a user email that does have a mailbox and can impersonate room resource mailbox accounts.

If “Use Delegate Access” checkbox is selected, this account must have a mailbox or be able to impersonate one that does to be able to retrieve room lists.  Also, the user must be assigned delegate (full) access to each room calendar that will be connected to E2H


Enter the password for the above email account.

Use Delegate Access for Calendars

If your login user does not have the “ApplicationImpersonation” permission as recommended, you can give the login user delegate (full) access permissions to each room calendar the E2H will be retrieving.  You must check this option to enable delegate access.