Events in FMX have a status value defined that tells the user the current state of the reservation. These are:
"canceled": "Canceled",
"completed": "Completed",
"declined": "Declined",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"finalizedCompleted": "Finalized & completed",
"finalizedUpcoming": "Finalized & upcoming",
"open": "Open",
"overdue": "Overdue",
"pendingEstimate": "Pending estimate",
"pendingEstimateAcceptance": "Pending estimate acceptance",
"pendingInvoice": "Pending invoice",
"pendingMyEventualApproval": "Pending my eventual approval",
"pendingMyImmediateApproval": "Pending my immediate approval",
"pendingOthersApproval": "Pending other's approval",
"pendingPayment": "Pending payment"
In Events2HVAC, you can select which of these states will be
allowed to pass events on to Events2HVAC for HVAC control.