General Options Tab

This tab defines the general setup options for the importer.

Automatically prune event history data.

Enter the number days of event history to keep (default 30)

Note:  If history is not automatically pruned, history will fill your database.  If you are using the SQL Express, there is potential to fill up your database beyond the allowable size limit.

Fail confirmed queries if cache is unreliable

If this is checked, any polling that Events2HVAC performs will first check if the local event cache has been loaded with events within the query range.  If not, the poll will fail and the command queue (HVAC commands) will not be updated.  When the command queue expires in 24 hrs, all HVAC commands will stay in the last command state until more events are imported into Events2HVAC.

If unchecked, a warning will be sent via email if the local event cache is not reliable during each poll.  Command queue will continue to process remaining events found in cache until it is empty.  This will effectively turn off all equipment zones eventually.