To import a .EQP file, select Import Equipment from the File menu.
In the message box that subsequently appears, click OK to continue.
Next, you will be asked if you want to back up your current equipment database first (recommended).
If you click on Yes, a directory window will appear, prompting you to export the .EQP file representing your current system setup.
If you click on No, the import will proceed, and no backup will be created.
Clicking cancel aborts the process.
If you continue with the import, another directory window will appear. Here, locate your import file, and select Open.
During import, the following will occur:
1. The existing equipment and associated actions and room assignments will be deleted.
2. The existing device configuration settings in the database will be updated from the imported device settings. All other device settings will remain.
3. The new equipment items will be added to the database.
4. The new device configuration settings for each device will be updated.
5. If the imported items don’t have a matching GroupId, then the new group is added. Importing to a different server with existing groups could cause incorrect group assignment.
6. If the imported items don’t have a matching BaselineScheduleId, then the new baseline schedule is added. Importing to a different server with existing baseline schedules could cause incorrect baseline schedule assignment.
Warning: Make sure the same devices that were in use on the PC where the export file was created are installed and on the PC you are importing to. Unexpected results might occur if there is a mismatch, possibly including data corruption.