Prior to installation, you will need to acquire or create the connection information for various existing systems. Each installation will vary depending on the complexity of the network and the systems being interfaced. This information is usually gathered from different sources or departments within your organization.
Event Provider Information
• Information required varies based on the event provider you are using (EMS, Google, etc.). See the help files provided for your specific event provider.
Events2HVAC SQL Information
• SQL Server Name or IP address of Events2HVAC database. This database will need to be created during installation and it can be local to the server or it can be on a remote SQL database.
• Username and password of the SQL login with access to the Events2HVAC database. The credentials need to allow login to the master database and allow SQL scripts to be run to create the database. The database scripts can also be run manually if needed.
• The Events2HVAC SQL login needs to have db_owner permissions for normal access to database. However, sysadmin permissions are needed for the initial installer to create the database.
• If you plan on using Windows authentication to the database, you must make sure ALL Events2HVAC users have dbo access to the database AND the Events2HVAC_service Windows service will need to be configured with an account that has the same permissions. (Again, it is recommended to use SQL user/login to keep things simple).
• If you are using SQL 2012 or higher and you are using the local system account for the Windows service account, you need to make sure NETWORK_SERVICE has dbo access to the Events2HVAC database.
Device Information
• Information required varies based on the specific device(s) you are using (BACnet, JCI MSEA, Kantech, etc.). See the help files provided for your specific device(s) for additional installation requirements.
SMTP Email Notifications
• It is critical that SMTP notifications are configured so that users no if there is a problem on the service or in controlled zones.
• SMTP host, port, and credentials need to be supplied to allow email notification from the software. Additional firewall rules may also need to be applied.
Equipment Definitions
• A list of equipment items for the zones that would be controlled.
• A list of rooms in the event system that will be mapped to each equipment item above.
• A list of actions and point object names that will be commanded for each equipment item above.
Events2HVAC Administrator
• Define an administrator(s) for Events2HVAC system.
• Assign an email that will receive CRITICAL emails from the Events2HVAC system.
• Assign an outgoing email address for sending critical and non-critical emails to other users.
Events2HVAC Users
• Define users and roles for the Events2HVAC system. Roles are defined below:
o Admin – Can access anything in the system
o Operator – Can perform operations that relate to scheduling equipment and sending commands
o Scheduler – Can view schedules and see scheduled commands, but can’t command equipment.
o Viewer – Can only view items and reports.