Metasys System Secure Data Access DLL

The Metasys System Secure Data Access DLL offers secure access to information in your Metasys network. The DLL (using the Web methods described in this document) allows you to build custom applications designed to quickly retrieve and update object attribute information in your Metasys network. Using custom interfaces created using the DLL and Web services, you can focus on specific tasks without learning how to use the entire Metasys system extended architecture User Interface (UI).


The Metasys System Secure Data Access DLL ensures that when you access Metasys system data with a custom application, you have the same high security as when you access the system data via the Metasys system UI. You must have appropriate network and application privileges required for a certain data request to be able to perform the request via a custom application. The Metasys System Secure Data Access DLL is required to use the BasicServices Web service.


Figure 1 shows an overview of how the interface flows:

Figure 1

IMPORTANT: You must create the login user identification in the site director ADS/ADX and in each Network Automation Engine (NAE)/Network Integration Engine (NIE) read from (or written to) in the application that uses the secure DLL.

See our knowledge base article:

Create a security database with all the needed users and permissions. Back up this database and download it to any NAE/NIE accessed by the secure DLL