OAUTH2 Setup & Permissions - Microsoft Graph API

Register the Events2HVAC application

To use OAuth, an application must have an application ID issued by Azure Active Directory. You need to register Events2HVAC as a public client with Azure Active Directory.

1.  Open a browser and navigate to the Azure Active Directory admin center and login using a personal account (aka: Microsoft Account) or Work or School Account.

2.  Select Azure Active Directory in the left-hand navigation, then select App registrations under Manage.

3.  Select New registration. On the Register an application page, set the values as follows.

Set Name to a friendly name for your app (e.g. Events2HVAC).

Set Supported account types to the choice that makes sense for your scenario.

For Redirect URI, change the dropdown to Public client (mobile & desktop) and set the value to urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob.


4.  Choose Register. On the next page, copy the value of the Application (client) ID and save it, you will need it later.

5.  Select API permissions in the left-hand navigation under Manage.

6.  Select Add a permission. On the Request API permissions page, select Microsoft Graph under Microsoft APIs

7.  Select Application permissions and then select Calendars.Read and Place.Read.All.  Click on Add permissions.

8.  Select Grant admin consent for org and accept the consent dialog

9.  Select Certificates & Secrets in the left-hand navigation under Manage.

10. Select New client secret, enter a short description and select Add.

11. Copy the Value of the newly added client secret and save it, you will need it later.  You can’t view this value once you save it!