
For a successful installation of Events2HVAC, you will need to coordinate the installation with your IT department, HVAC department and/or HVAC contractor, and make sure you have all of the required information on hand during the installation and setup.

The first phase usually involves only the IT department, and requires the skills necessary to load the software, install prerequisite software, and install/configure SQL server Express.

This document outlines the first phase.  After the successful base installation, the setup and configuration of the software will take place next.  Please refer to System Setup section of the user manual after the initial installation is performed in this section.

Streamside Solutions has a series of installation and setup videos located on our YouTube channel.  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqRd1Hkym1V5AO0w2dOIIj8vw5W5hOHRi