Events2HVAC only performs read-only requests to the following endpoints:
Allowed Endpoints (minimum required)
This can be found at: System Administration >
Administration > Api Users – Allowed Endpoints tab
Class Name |
Endpoint Name |
Bookings |
GetBookingList |
EventJobTypes |
GetEventJobTypeList |
Events |
GetEvent |
Events |
GetEventList |
EventStatuses |
GetEventStatusList |
SpaceHierarchyLevelOnes |
GetSpaceHeirarchyLevelOneList |
SpaceHierarchyLevelTwos |
GetSpaceHeirarchyLevelTwoList |
Spaces |
GetSpaceList |
SpaceComponents |
GetSpaceComponentsList |
Usages |
GetUsageList |
Functions* |
GetFunction |
Functions* |
GetFunctionList |
*Optional only if functions are used to schedule spaces
No special roles need to be added.
Access Privileges
No special access privileges needed.