Restart Command Queue

From Events2HVAC Client:

Click the Tools > Events2HVAC Options menu, then click on the Command Queue tab:

Note:  This option is not available when using a remote Events2HVAC client.  It is only visible on the client that is installed on the server.

If the service is currently running, click the Stop button, and wait for the service to stop.  Click on the Start button to restart the service.

From Windows:

Alternatively, you can do the same procedure from the Services MMC window found in the Administrative Tools section of the Windows Control Panel.

In the services window, select the Events2HVAC_Service service item and click the Restart button.

Note:  The admin email address and any warning subscribers should get a notification on the shutdown of Events2HVAC.  A return to normal email notification will also be sent when the service is restarted and back to normal.  If this doesn’t happen, recheck your email and SMTP settings.