Room Distribution Lists

Room distribution lists are generated within Exchange and are a means of grouping resource mailboxes. As discussed previously, we recommend creating a room distribution list for each building that contains equipment controlled by Events2HVAC or a list containing all the resource mailboxes for rooms that will be assigned to equipment in Events2HVAC.

To retrieve the list of available room distribution lists, click Get Room Lists. Then, select the room lists that will be queried for meetings.

Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated

Filter Distribution Lists

This checkbox allows you to filter room distribution lists in which you want to look for rooms.  If you have an Exchange server that holds room resources from different geographical locations, but Events2HVAC is only being used at one location, you will want to filter out the other sites.

Check the room lists that you want to include with Events2HVAC.

Note:  If you are connected to an Exchange Server 2007, the “Get Room List” function is not supported.  The room distribution lists will need to be manually added.  Contact Streamside Solutions support for further details.

Include rooms without a room distribution list (MS-Graph only)

Checking this will retrieve all rooms that aren’t assigned to a distribution list.  If you are missing rooms when your room list is rebuilt, try checking this option to see if they become visible.  If not, it could be a permissions issue.  Try reading the calendar events in the Room Calendars Tab to test if there is a permissions issue.

Note:  In some cases, rooms without a distribution list are not discovered in MS Graph because of a missing “Region” in the room’s contact details.  Edit the room’s contact info and select the appropriate region.