This tab allows the user to select with resource types contain the room resources. Resource scheduler doesn’t have a concept of a “room”, but instead everything is a resource (e.g. rooms, projectors, vehicles, etc). It is important to put all of your room resources in a resource type that only holds room resources so that calls to the web services calls are optimized.
Reload Types Button
Requests all resource types from Resource Scheduler web services and reloads the list. If you add or delete resource types in RS, you may need to reload to see the changes.
Note: You will need to rebuild the room resources navigation tree if you make changes to resource type selections.
Rebuild Resources Button
This button will rebuild the entire navigation tree for regions, locations, groups, and room resources based on the locations selected, building selection and room resource type selections. This tree is critical for determining the room resources and the relationships to the locations and buildings.
After rebuilding, you may need to refresh the room/building cache in Events2HVAC for changes to be seen by Events2HVAC. See Room List.