Run Daily Collection Now

Normally daily data collection is run using an Analytics Collection task after midnight each day.  This option will force the data collector to run immediately over a specific time period.

After selecting, a Data Collector dialog will show up allowing you to enter the collection parameters.


Start Date

Enter the date in the past to start from.

End Date

Enter the date to end the query.

Schedule Source

      Default - Use local event cache schedule data for the source until the local data becomes invalid or unavailable, then remote schedules are used.

      Local - Use local event cache schedule data for the source

      Remote - Use remote schedules from event provider source

Only Update Missing Days

Skips updating any daily data that has already been populated over the previous 7 days.  Start date and end dates are ignored and only missing samples from the previous 7 days are updated.  If “overwrite existing samples” is checked, then the previous 7 days will be deleted then updated.

If there are no previous history samples (e.g. first time collection has been run), the collection will start from the earliest possible sample date that is available in the event cache (usually 60 days from current date).

Overwrite Existing Samples

Deletes the daily samples in the start/end date range and resamples the data for the days in the range.  Monthly data is not deleted, but the current month’s data is recalculated (if Rollup Monthly Data in Query option is checked) after the daily data is collected.

Warning:  This option will delete data that can’t be recreated like Total Commands and Total Errors if the sample range is outside of the available history range of the command queue (usually 60 days).  This data will show as NULL in the database.

Rollup Monthly Data in Query

This will automatically update the monthly data tables with the daily data for the months in the query range.  If unchecked, only the current month will be rolled up with the current month’s daily data.

Manual Data Collection

When the submit button is clicked, the manual data collection task will be submitted to the command queue for execution using the parameters selected.

For Remote source selection, this may take some time to process a wide time range.

For Local source selection, make sure your collection range is within the data retention range of the event cache data.  Normally this is 60 days.

Automatic Data Collection

Automatic data collection occurs daily at 12:35am.  The default parameters for this process are:

Start: today’s date - 8 days

End: yesterday’s date

Overwrite Existing: false

Only Update Missing Days: true

Rollup Monthly Data in Query: false