Schedule Data Redundancy

Each time Events2HVAC updates schedules during a regular poll, 24 hours of schedule data is retrieved from Rock RMS and stored in EventsHVAC’s local database.  Also, once a day, Events2HVAC will retrieve 7 days of schedule data from Rock RMS for backup schedules in case of an extended outage with your Rock RMS system.

In the event of a failure to retrieve schedules from Rock RMS, an attempt will be made to retrieve schedules from Events2HVAC’s local schedule event cache.  If the cached data is valid, it will use those schedules for local control.  A warning will be sent to Events2HVAC user indicating that it failed to retrieve remote schedules but was able to retrieve backup schedules.

If the cached backup schedule was not valid or didn’t exist, then an error would be reported, and the local command queue for HVAC control will stay the same (no updates to command schedules).

Usually, a few missed updates are not an issue, but if it goes on for several hours you should investigate the connection issue.  If you have a recent 7-day backup schedule stored locally, then you will be able to run those schedules for 7 days before available schedules would run out.