Schedules Tab

The Schedules tab shows a timeline view of the calculated equipment action schedules.  The schedules shown (in green) below include the pre-start and post-stop time of the equipment.  The view is limited to viewing the current day up to 7 days in the future.

The schedules are calculated based on the data source setting on the Events tab (local (cached) is default).  If “Local” source is used the event schedules are only as fresh as the last time the rooms were queried from the event source.  To update the local cache, you can either initiate an event query or you can navigate to the Events tab and select “Remote” source and query the events for the equipment item.

The text in the scheduled period are from the object name of the action.


Hover over the action to view the details of the command:

Day View

Shows the schedules in an outlook Day style.

Group By Action

If there are multiple actions for the equipment, checking Group By Action will show a row for each action’s timeline.

Schedule Legend

The periods shown in the timeline are color coded based on the trigger types shown above.  Equipment items that are disabled will show all its schedules as “grey”.