Normally, each event in Events2HVAC includes a setup/teardown date and time field included with the main event times. This permits actions defined in Events2HVAC to trigger on either setup/teardown or main event times for each individual zone defined.
However, since the activities coming from Ad Astra are separate scheduled instances, you can only trigger off the event times of the activities that Events2HVAC sees. Therefore, you need to tell Events2HVAC what type of activities will be visible for zone processing. These settings are set for the entire implementation, so if you allow pre/post activities but not setup/teardown activities, all your zones in Events2HVAC can only trigger off main event times and pre/post event times.
You cannot have one zone ignore pre/post activities and trigger only off event times. Events2HVAC will see each activity as a single event schedule regardless of the type of activity.
If you are including setup/teardown/pre/post activities, make sure you explain to your schedulers that creating a setup activity for a long period of time to hold a space will run the HVAC for that period as well. For example, if setup for a 1:00 pm event is scheduled for 9 am – 1:00, the HVAC will run for all 4 hours plus the event time. If the setup is scheduled for 9 am – 10 am instead, 3 hours of run-time energy will be saved. Schedulers need to be aware that they are now scheduling HVAC. The more they can limit setup/teardown/pre/post activities to the actual time needed instead of holding a room that is setup to be used later, the more energy can be saved.