The Series25 Spaces tab selects whether a Series25 space query is specified when retrieving space reservations. It is highly recommended to create a space query in Series25 that returns only the spaces that are being used by Events2HVAC for control of HVAC. The type of space query can be up to the user, but it is recommended to create a feature “E2H HVAC Integration” and assign that feature to all the integrated rooms. Then create a query for rooms with that feature. This method allows the Series25 users to see which spaces are integrated.
For detailed steps for creating the space query see our support site:
If you do not use a space query, performance will be reduced and web traffic increased, especially in cases where Events2HVAC is only integrated in a small number of Series25 rooms and your Series25 system has reservation in a large number of additional spaces.
Limit returned spaces using a space query
Checking the “Limit returned spaces using a space query” checkbox will allow you to select a Series25 space/location query from the list. Hit the “Reload Queries” to refresh the combo box with all available space queries.
The available spaces list will be limited to the space query spaces if this is enabled, otherwise the entire Series25 space list will be shown.
Use “X25 Building” custom attribute as building name
By default, the partition assigned to spaces are used to define its building. This may or may not match actual buildings depending on how partitions are defined.
If your R25/25Live system uses the “X25 Building” custom attribute for space/locations, then you can check this option to use the value is this attribute.