Note: SQL updates can only be applied from the server client.
This step verifies that the Events2HVAC SQL database schema is at the correct version. If the schema is at the wrong version, the UPDATE NOW button will be enabled. Pressing this button will attempt to apply the necessary updates to the database. If an update to SQL fails in this section, make note of any errors and write down where in the process it failed so the necessary updates can be reapplied manually.
The sql scripts will be executed in sequence to get to the expected database schema version. If any single script fails, the entire sql update will be rolled back to the original version. Do not attempt to run your Events2HVAC service until the sql updates complete without errors.
SQL Scripts are located in the EventsHVAC application directory in a folder named SCRIPTS. There is a folder for each schema version. You can manually execute each one in sequence using SSMS. Please have a qualified IT person to run these manually or contact Streamside Solutions support.
Warning: You should always make a backup of your Events2HVAC SQL database prior to any installation or SQL updates!