The StartStop action sends a standard BACnet WriteProperty service command to a single BACnet object for each side (start and stop) of an event. The Start value is sent to the object when an Event Start or Event Setup Start has been triggered. The Stop value is sent to the object when an Event Stop or Event Teardown Stop has occurred.
This action only applies to the following event triggers:
• EventStartStop
• EventSetupTeardown
• ZoneFirstLastEventStartStop
• ZoneFirstLastSetupTeardown
Field Name |
Description |
Range |
DeviceID |
The BACnet device id of the device that holds the point object that you want to command. |
0 <= deviceID <= 4194303 |
ObjectID |
Unique object id of the BACnet object. |
0 <= objectID <= 4194303 |
ObjectType |
Point type of the object. |
Analog_Output, Analog_Value, Binary_Output, Binary_Value, Multistate_Output, Multistate_Value, Schedule |
ObjectName |
BACnet object name of the point. |
(Read only) |
Priority |
Priority value for commanding an object. |
1-16 (1=highest) 16 = recommended default Only applies to Present_Value property on commandable objects (ie. AO, AV, BO, BV, MSO, MSV) |
PropertyType |
The BACnet standard property of the object to write to. |
Example: Present_Value |
StartValue |
Value to write to the select property when an event start is triggered. |
Depends on object type. |
StopValue |
Value to write to the select property when an event stop is triggered. |
Depends on object type. |
Relinquish CMD |
To relinquish a commandable property, selected the priority of the command to relinquish and click the NULL checkbox. This will clear the command value at that priority and the next highest non-null command in the priority array will take over. |
Only applies to Present_Value property on commandable objects (ie. AO, AV, BO, BV, MSO, MSV) |
Load Button
Click on the Load button to attempt to load the available property types directly using the BACnet ReadProperty service.
Verify Button
Click on the Verify button to verify that the selected object and property can be read directly using the BACnet ReadProperty service. The results of the verification will be shown in the Results window. The object name field is populated after a verification.
Test Start Button
Click on the Test Start button to attempt to write the defined START value to the object using the BACnet WriteProperty service. The results of the test will be shown in the Results window.
Test Stop Button
Click on the Test Stop button to attempt to write the defined STOP value to the object using the BACnet WriteProperty service. The results of the test will be shown in the Results window.
Note: The Load, Verify, Test Start and Test Stop buttons are only enabled and operational if the client application is enabled to use the BACnet client driver and the BACnet client has been setup properly.