Windows Service
The Windows Service field shows the current status of the sharing service. The buttons below can start and stop that service.
TCP Server
Server IP
The server IP shows the IP address of the port sharing service on the PC. If you have multiple network interface cards, you can select the appropriate IP to listen on.
Max Clients
Maximum number of clients that can connect to server per port.
Send Timeout (ms)
Number of milliseconds to wait before a send command to the controller fails. (0=no timeout)
Receive Timeout (ms)
Number of milliseconds to wait before a read command fails waiting for data from controllers. (0=no timeout)
Note: SSA controllers typically respond within 1000 msec. IPBX controllers can take 7000-8000 msec. Also if the thermostats are wireless, the response can take longer.
Communication Status
Net/X Controller Connections
Shows the IP Address: Port of each controller mapped. Green indicates that the controller is ONLINE.
Enable Logging
When checked, a log file detailing the TCP communications between clients and controllers will be generated. The data can be found in the application root directory in files named “NetXLogger-{date}.log”