BACnet/IP (Annex J)
• The PC or server that the Events2HVAC Windows service is running and must be able to access the BACnet LAN using BACnet/IP on the same LAN segment as the BACnet devices.
• If the server is not on the same LAN segment as the BACnet devices, then the BACnet client can operate as a foreign device to a BBMD device that is on the BACnet LAN segment. Contact your HVAC vendor for IP address and port of BBMD devices.
• A network path between the Events2HVAC server to each controlled device must be open to allow BACnet UDP port bi-directional traffic (typically UDP port 47808).
• The base BACnet driver API is licensed separately from the Events2HVAC license and is keyed to the platform that the server is running on.
• If another vendor’s BACnet driver is running on an Events2HVAC server PC, one or both applications might not work together since BACnet uses a standard port 47808 to communicate. Special setup will be necessary in this case.
BACnet Ethernet (BACnet/e) (IEEE 802.3)
(Note: BACnet/e is an older protocol and not recommended)
• WinPCap ( must be installed.
• The PC or server that the Events2HVAC Windows service is running on must be on the same LAN segment as the BACnet devices.
• The BACnet driver must operate in 32-bit mode on a 64-bit platform.