System Requirements

BACnet/IP (Annex J)

      The PC or server that the Events2HVAC Windows service is running and must be able to access the BACnet LAN using BACnet/IP on the same LAN segment as the BACnet devices.

      If the server is not on the same LAN segment as the BACnet devices, then the BACnet client can operate as a foreign device to a BBMD device that is on the BACnet LAN segment.  Contact your HVAC vendor for IP address and port of BBMD devices.

      A network path between the Events2HVAC server to each controlled device must be open to allow BACnet UDP port bi-directional traffic (typically UDP port 47808).

      The base BACnet driver API is licensed separately from the Events2HVAC license and is keyed to the platform that the server is running on.

      If another vendor’s BACnet driver is running on an Events2HVAC server PC, one or both applications might not work together since BACnet uses a standard port 47808 to communicate.  Special setup will be necessary in this case.

BACnet Ethernet (BACnet/e) (IEEE 802.3)

(Note:  BACnet/e is an older protocol and not recommended)

      WinPCap ( must be installed.

      The PC or server that the Events2HVAC Windows service is running on must be on the same LAN segment as the BACnet devices.

      The BACnet driver must operate in 32-bit mode on a 64-bit platform.