The Thermostats tab shows all the thermostats that have been discovered from the Venstar system. Initially this will be blank.
Click the Discover button to initiate a local network SSDP discovery. The thermostats will be merged with any thermostats already shown in the list. If you are missing thermostats, your thermostats might be on a different network than the PC hosting Events2HVAC. You’ll need to manually add the thermostats one at a time or via a CSV file import. You must have the MAC address and IP address to manually create thermostats.
If you have some thermostats that you don’t want to show to Events2HVAC users, you can selectively remove thermostats from the list. Clicking Discover will add them back to the list.
Allows you to import thermostats that can’t be discovered automatically using a CSV file. You will need at a minimum the following columns with data: Name and one or both of the LocationUrl and MacAddress. If one is missing we’ll try to discover the other using networking tools.
A sample spreadsheet format is show below:
This will export the thermostats to a csv file.
Tip: you can use the export file to create a starting csv file for importing manual thermostats. Only the fields listed in the Import section will be imported so the extra columns can be deleted first.
Test Connectivity
Click the Test Connectivity button to query all the thermostats selected and update them with live data. If a thermostat returns an error or if the thermostat is offline the row will be highlighted in light red.