Update Schedules

Select Update Schedules from the Events menu to force Events2HVAC to query your event provider for events and schedule the associated commands to the assigned equipment. Events2HVAC will queue up the next 24 hours of events.


Normally, Events2HVAC will automatically update schedules on the periodic schedule that you’ve defined in your settings.  However, anytime you make changes to the following items you should manually update schedules to make sure the command queue is up to date.

      Equipment Pre-Start or Post-Stop Times

      Equipment Room Assignments

      Equipment Action Changes/Deletions or Additions

      Action parameter changes (e.g. values, priorities, etc)

      Any schedule changes that occurred in the event provider system since the last query or update

Tip:  Any time schedules are queried either by manual update or automatic poll, the command queue is frozen until the update is complete then the command queue is rebuilt.  This process can take a few seconds to a few minutes depending on the amount of rooms and events are processed.  Try to do updates after you make a batch of changes instead of after each change.