This tab shows what UP32 and RP32 thermostats are currently mapped into the Events2HVAC system. All of the thermostats shown will be available for selection when the equipment actions are defined for the thermostats.
You must import an existing Command Center project file to add more controllers and thermostats to the Events2HVAC system.
Important: It is important to note that the list of thermostats defined in this tab are used as lookup lists when defining your equipment actions. If you import actions directly using the CSV import actions option, it is possible that the lookup list defined here and your thermostat assignments in the actions are not the same.
If you have already defined equipment actions for Net/X thermostats, importing a new project file with different thermostat addresses will not automatically update any existing thermostat settings in the defined equipment. You must manually verify each action for Net/X to make sure the thermostat addresses are still valid for that action.
Import NetX IP (*.netxip) File
This will allow you to import all the thermostats defined in a NetX-IP Command Center software project.
If you UP/RP thermostats you can add them manually by selecting the “Add UP/RP” button.
Default Login Settings
If all of your thermostats share the same login settings, you can fill this out so you don’t have to enter it for each thermostat.