Once the prior configuration steps in Events2HVAC have been performed and any necessary setup/documentation of HVAC is complete, you can add equipment items and commands in Events2HVAC.
Step 1 – Open the Equipment tab by selecting Manage Equipment in the Equipment menu.
Step 2 – In the equipment tree view (left pane), click the Add button.
Step 3 – In the upper right pane of the Equipment tab, enter the equipment parameters:
• Equipment name: A unique name for the equipment or zone.
• Equipment description: A description of the equipment (optional).
• Pre-start time (min.): Number of minutes prior to the scheduled event to start the equipment to allow it to bring the space to operating temperature. Note: Pre-start times are only used in dual action triggered events.
• Post-stop time (min.): Number of minutes to keep the equipment on after the scheduled event is over. Note: Post-stop times are only used in dual action triggered events.
• Disable scheduling: If checked, commands for existing scheduled events will execute, but the software will skip any events scheduled in the future for the specified equipment.
• Equipment Type: This is a dropdown list of various categories/types of equipment. This field does not have any effect on function, simply categorizing equipment into categories for convenience.
Step 4 – Click the Save Changes button to save your settings.
Once you have saved an equipment item to your system, it will appear in a list on the left side of tab.
Selecting a piece of equipment from the list will pull up the information entered previously, and if there are any assigned actions, rooms, or events, you will be able to view them by clicking on the labeled tabs. You can also assign new actions, rooms, and events to the equipment item on the labeled tabs, as described in the section below.