Command Queue Tab

The Command Queue tab shows the settings for connecting and managing the command queue service.

Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated

Here are descriptions of the settings required in the Command Queue tab:

      Service Status: This field shows the current status of the Command Queue service. The Start button will send a command to start the service if it is stopped. The Stop button will stop the service if it is started.

Warning: If the command queue service is stopped, no schedules will be sent or commanded. If the credentials of the Windows user does not have the rights to start and stop a Windows service, you may receive an error when trying to start/stop the command queue service.


      Remote Host or IP: Enter the hostname or IP address of the PC/server that is running the command queue service. Remote clients communicate with the server using .NET remoting using TCP through the default port 5049. The default is localhost for the server.

      Remoting Port: Enter the port for connecting (client) or listening (server) for remote requests. The default is port 5049. Note: Make sure your network firewalls are configured to pass TCP communications through the selected port. See also the troubleshooting article on our support site: Client: Remote Client Fails to Connect to Server

Note: The Remoting Port value must be the same on both the server and each client.


      Restart Service if Unhealthy

Check this to automatically perform a restart of the command queue service if it becomes unhealthy.