The Database tab provides configuration options for the SQL server connection to the Events2HVAC database.
• SQL Server Name: Enter the SQL Server name and instance for the Events2HVAC database in the format {servername}\{instancename}
o For local databases, you can use (local) or “.” to indicate the local database. If you installed SQLExpress with default settings on the same server as E2H, then enter (local)\sqlexpress.
o If using default instance, no \{instancename} is needed.
o You can enter host name or IP address
o The dropdown list will populate with SQL server instances it can discover. This list may not be able to discover all instances available.
o For non-standard SQL port, you can enter the port at the end of the name (e.g. {servername}\{instancename}, {sql port number})
• SQL Database: Enter the default Events2HVAC database name.
• Use Windows Authentication: Check this is you want to connect using Windows credentials.
o Checking this may work for the client, but the service must also run and connect using the local system service account. This may fail depending on your security settings and permission for SQL. In this case, SQL security must be used.
• SQL User Name: Enter the SQL user that has full access to the Events2HVAC database. (Note: this must be setup separately by your SQL administrator)
• SQL Password: Enter the SQL password for the user above.
(Note: this must be setup separately by your SQL administrator)
Note: The user account assigned to SQL must have db_owner privileges on the Events2HVAC database.
If you are having problems connecting with SQL, here’s some additional resources on our support site:
•SQL Connection Fails to Connect Across Network
•SQL Server Configuration Settings for remote TCP/IP connections