The Event Query Schedule tab allows the user to specify how often the event provider is queried each day to update equipment scheduling.
Under “Frequency” in the Event Query Schedule tab, there are the following options:
• Disabled: If checked, Events2HVAC does not automatically schedule equipment. Manual scheduling (for testing only) can still be performed. Disabling schedules will also disable heartbeats and the scheduler status points that other systems may be monitoring for failover control of HVAC schedules.
• Once a day: If checked, the event provider is queried once each day at the time specified in the Daily Schedule Run Time field.
• Continuous: If checked, the event provider is queried every XX hours, the interval defined in the Update Interval field. If the value entered is less than 1, then the updates are in fractional hours (minimum = 0.08 or every 5 minutes). For values greater than 1 hour only integer values may be used.
Warning: Setting continuous updates to occur more than once an hour must be carefully considered based on the number of events per day and the number of commands generated per day. Each update requires time to rebuild the queue, and that time increases for larger systems. Setting the update interval too frequent may cause an overload condition that could prevent commands from getting executed. It is NOT recommended to update less than once per hour.
The Query Window Time field is read-only and indicates how many hours to look ahead during event queries. The default setting is 24 hrs.
Note: This item can be adjusted in the application configuration file, but should not be adjusted unless directed by Streamside Solutions support.
Enable Backup Polling
This enables backup schedules to be retrieved after midnight each day. The number of days entered will be polled, one day at time, each day after midnight and stored in the local Events2HVAC event cache database. In the event of a long-term failure of the connection to the event provider(s), the backup data can be used to keep schedules flowing to HVAC.
Default setting is enabled with 7 days backup.