Email Tab

The Email tab allows the user to configure the email settings for the application. These settings are used by the command queue service whenever an email message needs to be sent. Please contact your local IT person to configure the correct settings for your organization.

Here are descriptions of the settings required in the Email tab:

      Email Enable: This checkbox controls whether or not Events2HVAC can send emails using the settings provided in the Email tab.

      Use HTML Format: Events2HVAC can send emails in plaintext or using a simple HTML form. This checkbox controls whether or not the HTML format is used.

      Admin Email Address: This email address will be the default administrator email address and will only be used to send out critical email messages. This address will be used to send an email message when a critical or fatal error occurs in the command queue Windows service.

      From Address: Enter the “from” email address that you want to show in the email messages generated. This typically needs to be in the same domain as the SMTP server address.

      SMTP Server: Enter the SMTP server hostname or IP address.

      SMTP Port: Enter the SMTP port number used to send messages. The default is 25.

      Use TLS Encryption: Check this if your connection requires TLS encryption. You may also need to change the port setting to match your SMTP server settings.

      SMTP Username: If your SMTP server requires authentication, enter your username here.

      SMTP Password: If your SMTP server requires authentication, enter your password here.

      Use Default Credentials: If your SMTP server uses authentication from your logged-in credentials, check this item.

      Test Button: After entering your email settings, click on the Test button to attempt to send a test email.

Rate Limiting

To limit how fast and how many error email notifications can be sent out, enable the rate limiter.

With this enabled, you can specify how many error (Fatal and Error) messages can be received in a specified time frame.  The above settings will only allow a maximum of 15 emails in 30 minutes for emails that have the same subject.  A notification email will be also be sent when rate limiting is in effect.

Note:  Debug, Info, Warning, and Return To Normal messages are not subject to rate limiting.  Only Error and Fatal messages are rate limited.

      Rate Limit Error Messages: Check to enable rate limiting

      Maximum Email Limit: Maximum number of error emails that can be sent in the specified time frame.  (0 = no rate limiting)

      Rate Limit Time: Time in seconds limit emails.

      Rate Limit By Subject: If checked only error emails with the same subject will be rate limited.  If unchecked, any error email regardless of subject will be rate limited.

      Send Rate Limit Email:  If checked, an additional email will be sent when emails are being rate limited.

Warning: Improper rate limiting settings may prevent critical notifications from getting sent to users.