Default Settings Tab

The Default Settings tab shows various default settings and parameters for a thermostat.  These settings can be used for each thermostat, or individual settings can be applied to each thermostat.

 A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

Default Occupied Settings

These settings are filled in for occupied state when a new thermostat action is defined and are used when Use Global Occupied Settings is checked for a thermostat.

  Field Name



Heating Setpoint

Default setting for the heating setpoint during occupied mode

Default = 68

Cooling Setpoint

Default setting for the cooling setpoint during occupied mode

Default = 73

System Mode

Default setting for the system status during the occupied mode

Default = Auto

Off, Cool, Heat

Fan Mode

Default setting for the fan mode status during occupied mode


Auto, On

Default Unoccupied Settings

These settings are filled in for unoccupied state when a new thermostat action is defined.

  Field Name



Heating Setpoint

Default setting for the heating setpoint during unoccupied mode

Default = 62

Cooling Setpoint

Default setting for the cooling setpoint during unoccupied mode

Default = 78

System Mode

Default setting for the system status during the unoccupied mode

Default = Auto

Off, Cool, Heat

Fan Mode

Default setting for the fan mode status during unoccupied mode


Auto, On

Return to Schedule*

Checked will return the thermostat back to the thermostat program

Default =Unchecked

* If you enable Return to Schedule, you should program all your scheduled periods as unoccupied so that setpoints are returned to unoccupied settings after the event is over.

Disable Fan Mode Control

In most cases, fan mode settings will remain the same for both occupied and unoccupied modes.  If this is the case, selecting this will prevent the additional request needed to command the fan mode.

Check for offline status prior to commands

The API at the time of this writing accepts commands even though the device is offline.  Commands aren’t queued in this situation.  Checking this will ensure that the status of the thermostat is checked first to make sure it is online, then send the command.  Otherwise, an error is sent and the command fails.

Note:  If you have thermostats with different options and settings, your global settings might be invalid for those different thermostats.  (e.g. one thermostat has different climate settings than others).