Device Interface Manager

The Device Interface Manager (DIM) is the management tool for all of the device interfaces loaded with the application. Device interfaces are the modules that allow commands to be sent to other systems based on the events generated by your event provider. Each device is considered a separate module that can be added or removed from the application based on the needs of your facility.



Each device interface provides its own action types for use within the program. Changing or removing a device from the DIM may affect any actions that have been created in the client’s equipment items. Because of this, managing the devices should only be performed by an administrator.

The type and number of devices will be unique to your installation and license key. There may be situations where additional devices show up in this list but are not valid or used for your installation.

Important: After any changes to the device list using the device interface manager, you should restart the Events2HVAC Windows service on the server to ensure that changes take effect.


The DIM shows all of the devices that were detected upon startup along with their statuses.

Add Button

Selecting Add allows you to install a new device by loading a new device interface file. The default location of the device interface files is the <application root>\Devices directory. Any new devices should be saved in this directory as well.

Important: Any new or updated device interface files should be loaded onto each client at the same time the server is updated in order to prevent possible problems with out of sync devices, which could lead to corrupted data and unexpected commands.

Remove Button

Clicking the Remove button will remove the presently selected device and all associated device actions from the database. The actions of any equipment items corresponding to the removed device will be removed.

Caution: Removing a device unintentionally will cause you to lose any of the device actions that were assigned and defined for equipment. It is a good practice to keep a backup copy of your equipment file in case of this event. See Export Equipment in the Navigation section of this documentation.

Disable Button

Selecting the Disable button will disable the highlighted device. Disabling a device will NOT remove its device actions from the database. Any disabled device actions will still be shown in the actions lists of your equipment items, but they will not execute their actions if the equipment is scheduled to run.

Rediscover Button

Selecting the Rediscover button will force the application to rediscover and reload all of the devices found in the <application root>\Devices directory. During the rediscover process, the loaded device is compared to the device already defined in the database and the appropriate information is updated.

This also forces existing loaded devices to unload and re-initialize.

Refresh Button

To refresh the list of device interfaces from the database, select the Refresh button.

Export Button

If the selected device has an XML configuration file, this will export the data out of the database to an XML file.  The exported file can be found in the /devices/ subdirectory in the application root folder.

View Config


Opens an internal XML viewer to display the configuration file for the selected item.

Clear Config

Removes the XML configuration file(s) for the selected device from the database. The next time the application is started; the configuration will be read from the default external XML file and re-inserted into the database.