Selecting Grid Equipment Editor from the Equipment menu will open a grid tab for performing mass editing of top-level equipment parameters. If you want to edit equipment actions or room assignments, you’ll need to use the Equipment Manager.
Each displayed cell can be individually edited.
With the right-click menu, you can select the equipment items and perform the following actions:
• Enable Equipment
• Disable Equipment
• Delete Equipment
Change Pre-Start Button
A common task is to change the pre-start times for equipment seasonally. To change a group of equipment items to a new pre-start time, select the desired rows to change, then click the “Change Pre-Start” button.
A dialog box will be shown to allow you to enter a new pre-start value:
Clicking OK will change all the selected equipment pre-start values.
Auto-Assign Bldg Button
Groups for buildings didn’t exist prior to v1.7 so assigning each equipment item the appropriate building group would be tedious. This function will allow you to automatically assign the appropriate group based on the rooms assigned to the equipment zone.
If an equipment item has rooms assigned that span multiple buildings, the assignment will be unchanged. You will have to manually select the appropriate building.
Any equipment items selected that already have a building assigned will be ignored during auto-assignment.
Tip: Before performing this function, you should first go to the room list of each event provider and organize the rooms into the appropriate Campus and Building groups.