Manage Equipment

Selecting Manage Equipment from the Equipment menu will open the Equipment tab. In the Equipment tab, you can define all the equipment that will be controlled, the actions Events2HVAC will trigger, the rooms assigned to each piece of equipment, and a variety of other parameters.


As shown below, the left side of the Equipment tab lists all equipment that has been defined in the database. The list can be sorted by equipment name or equipment type, using the View By drop down box.

Items that are grey indicate that the equipment has been disabled from automatic scheduling. Bold green items indicate that the equipment is enabled and has actions assigned to it. Black items are enabled, but do not have any actions assigned.



The right side of the Equipment tab contains the parameters for the equipment item that is currently selected on the left. The top pane shows the equipment description, while the bottom pane provides another set of tabs concerning the programmed actions for the equipment item, the rooms associated with the equipment item, as well as currently scheduled events and event history.  

When any parameters, actions, or room assignments are changed in equipment manager a warning prompt will be shown in the status bar to re-poll the schedules.  After you make all of your equipment changes you should always re-poll.  You can double-click on the icon to initiate a manual poll or you can do it from the Events menu | Update Schedules.