The Actions tab shows the actions that have been assigned to the selected equipment item. The list shows the action trigger, the action name, and the object reference of the action.
To add an action, click the Add button. To delete action(s), select one or multiple actions from the list and hit the Del button. For the step by step process for adding actions, see Assigning Actions in the System Setup section of the manual.
Note: Once actions are added to Equipment items and the equipment item is enabled, the next poll interval will generate the actions for events. You may want to force E2H to poll by using the Events -> Update Schedules instead of waiting for the next poll interval.
A Sync Actions button will be visible to the user when the defined actions for events don’t match up with the last commanded action. Clicking on the Sync Actions button will send a command put the action in the correct state based on the scheduled events. For more on this see Re-Sync Equipment Actions in this section.
Note: You must have the “Enable Client Re-Sync Operations” checkbox checked for the Sync Actions functionality to be enabled.