Re-Sync Equipment Actions

Select Re-Sync Equipment Actions from the Equipment menu to force the Events2HVAC system to evaluate all actions for enabled equipment items to determine if the scheduled actions are in the correct state based on the current events. This is particularly valuable if there has been a network interruption or if the server has been turned off for any period. This is the fastest way to get all equipment back in the appropriate state based on current schedules.

Note: You must have the “Enable Client Re-Sync Operations” checkbox checked for this to be enabled.

Events2HVAC determines out-of-sync actions by looking at the last successful action state in the command queue and comparing it to what the action state for the equipment should be at the current time. If they are different, then a re-syncing command is immediately added to the command queue for execution.

If the last successful command was not successful (e.g. error sending command), that state is ignored. If there is no past history of the same action, a re-syncing command will be sent by default.


When the above menu item is executed, you will get the manual re-sync dialog.

 Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated

This allows you to optionally select individual equipment zones instead of the default “All equipment items”.  Hit the OK button to submit the re-sync task to the command queue.

In the Command Queue’s History tab, re-syncing commands show up as a manual command (orange background) with the event name “(Re-syncing command).”


Note: Re-Sync looks at the last successful command (in Command Queue) to determine if the action is out of sync with the expected scheduled state. It does not look at the actual equipment status, so it is possible that the equipment could be overridden to another state by an operator and Events2HVAC would not think it is out-of-sync.

There are two automatic options for re-syncing:

1.  You can setup Events2HVAC to automatically re-sync at each scheduling poll period by checking the “Re-sync commands at each poll interval” checkbox in the Schedule Processing tab of Events2HVAC Options.

2.  You can setup re-sync after a command failure by checking the “Re-sync commands after command failures” checkbox in the Schedule Processing tab of Events2HVAC options.  This will try to re-sync the failed equipment action XX seconds after that LAST failure.

Warning: Enabling the re-sync commands after command failures option will increase the potential frequency of email notifications if the command remains in a failure state for a long period.  A single failure will be notified at every re-sync interval until it is successful.

Automatic re-sync will perform the same function as the manual re-sync, except it will happen invisibly. Using this method, re-syncing commands in the Command Queue will show up as automatic entries (no background color) instead of manual entries (orange background). The re-sync command will occur 1 minutes after the event query to allow the queue to finish processing.

See also Syncing Equipment Actions in the Manage Equipment section, as well as the Schedule Processing Tab section.