Syncing Equipment Actions

When you select an equipment item, Events2HVAC will try to determine if there is a discrepancy between the queued commands and the present event schedule for any of the defined actions in that equipment item. When this scenario occurs, the result is an incorrect room state for a given event. A warning message will appear next to the Sync Actions button indicating how many actions are out of sync.

Note: You must have the “Enable Client Re-Sync Operations” checkbox checked for this to be enabled.

Click on the Sync Actions button to send the appropriate action to the command queue to be executed immediately.

This dialog will appear asking you to confirm sending a re-sync command. Click OK to re-sync.

Note: The Re-Sync tool looks at the last successful commanded state (in the Command Queue) to determine if the action is out of sync with the expected state based upon the schedule. It does not look at the actual equipment status. So it is possible that the equipment could be overridden to another state by an operator, and Events2HVAC would not think it is out-of-sync.

See also Re-Sync Equipment Actions to re-sync all equipment items.