Schedule Processing Tab

The options in the Schedule Processing tab allow you to customize various behaviors when processing schedules and generating scheduled commands.

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Description automatically generated

Re-Send start commands for in-progress events on startup

If the system on which Events2HVAC is running is shut down, this option, when checked, will send the start commands for any scheduled event already in-progress when the server is restored. In the application, by default, any commands—start or otherwise—in the past are ignored. Thus, if this option is unchecked, it is possible that in-progress events that began during the outage would only get the stop command for the event and Events2HVAC would assume that the start command had already been commanded earlier.

Note: Only event start on dual-trigger actions will be sent. Single trigger actions will not be sent unless they occur in the future.

Warn of open commands on startup

This option, when checked, will send an email to warning-level subscribers regarding any open actions that were found on the startup of the Windows Service. Events2HVAC keeps track of actions that are started for an event and automatically closes that entry when the action ends. If you shut down the Events2HVAC server with actions open for in-progress events, you could potentially leave rooms in an undesirable state if you do not restart the Events2HVAC server prior to when the actions are scheduled to stop.

This option will notify users of the potential problem.  You can automatically handle these situations by turning on the Re-Sync feature below.

Enable Client Re-Sync Operations

This option, when checked, will enable the manual re-sync menu item to be available and also the automatic check for out-of-sync actions in the equipment manager view.  You must enable this option to allow the automatic re-sync command checkbox to be available below.  See Re-Sync Equipment Actions for more details on the operation of re-syncing.

Re-sync commands at each poll interval

This option, when checked, will perform an automatic action re-synchronization after every scheduled poll to your event provider. The Re-sync task will be started 1 minutes after each event query is finished.  For more details on the operation of re-syncing, see Re-Sync Equipment Actions.

Note:  Only dual-state actions participate in re-sync activities.  Schedule push action (e.g BACnet SendExceptionSchedule action) and single-state triggers do not re-sync.

Re-sync commands after command failures

With this option enabled, whenever an action fails, Events2HVAC will start a timer set to the indicated length of time. When the timer expires, the application will issue a re-sync command for the equipment item in question. If, after the time is set and begins its countdown, another error occurs, the timer will be reset to its initial value and restart the countdown. See Re-Sync Equipment Actions for more details on the operation of re-syncing.  See Re-Sync Equipment Actions for more details on the operation of re-syncing.

Warning:  Enabling this feature has the potential to generate a lot of error notifications quickly if there is a system-wide outage of HVAC devices.  You should make sure you have email rate-limiting enabled to prevent email flooding during these situations.

Number of hours for stale last command

Enter a number > 0 to set how many hours after the last command sent before the command is determined as a “stale” command.  If the command is stale, a resync command will be sent to refresh the command.  A value of 0 will disable this feature.

Warning:  if you have a large number of zones, this could potential create unwanted additional traffic every xx hours. 

Use Async Commands During Polling

Check to use asynchronous commands when gathering data from event providers.

Use Quartz Scheduler for Tasks (Experimental)

Check to use the newer Quartz Scheduler component as the task scheduler.  This is new in v1.9 and still experimental.  If unchecked, the legacy task scheduler will be used.

Enable Daily Forced Re-Sync Task at hh:mm

If this is enabled, a daily task will be scheduled at the time of day indicated that will run the forced re-sync task.  The will check the current schedules for each active zone and re-command the correct state to those zones.  This is a good strategy if you are using WIFI thermostats and your have users that like to override the thermostats.  If this is scheduled at the end of the day, it will make sure no thermostats were left overridden.

Warning:  if you have a large number of zones, this could potential create unwanted additional traffic every day at the scheduled time.