Events2HVAC Installation Checklist

Use this checklist to keep track of the milestones for installing and running Events2HVAC. Please refer to the Events2HVAC User Manual or help files within the software (F1) for details.

*    Request an account on the Streamside Solutions Customer Center website ( ) for any users that might need access to the download area and other resources: email or have them register an account also.

*    Determine the location of the Events2HVAC server and generate a license request.

*    Download and install prerequisite software.

*    Gather information about your existing HVAC systems and room scheduling software. Make sure you have all of the SQL logins, passwords, URLs, etc. for connecting to your event provider. (Note: There is a spreadsheet available in the Events2HVAC downloads area that you can use to organize this data if you are working with BACnet.)

*    Download the latest version of Events2HVAC and your license file.  Make sure you have a license file before starting the installation.

*    Install Events2HVAC and run the setup wizard.

*    Run Events2HVAC and finish configuration with email accounts, users, etc.

*    Verify that events and rooms can be viewed.  This will ensure that the event provider data is accessible.

*    Perform any necessary setup of your specific device interface(s).

*    Start adding equipment, assigning rooms to equipment, and creating actions. Verify communication as you go.

*    Enable equipment and verify that events start queuing up actions in the Command Queue.

*    Help us spread the word!  If you have a great story to share about your experience or results with Events2HVAC at your facility, please email us so we can share with other potential clients.

*    Stay in the loop with us on Twitter Twitter!