Heartbeat Tab

The tab allows you to enable local BACnet objects for status and define push targets for heartbeat signals.

Enable Local Scheduler Status BV-1

Enabling this checkbox will create two local objects that will be visible under the E2H BACnet device object:

Binary Value, Instance 1 (E2H-S)

Notification Object, Instance 1 (Notification1)


  E2H-S Value


ON (1)

E2H Scheduler is running and BACnet client is operational.

OFF (0)

BACnet driver is shutting down or there is a problem with the scheduling service


If the point goes offline, you can consider E2H schedule is shutdown. 

You can monitor this point from one or many building controllers to provider your own failover logic to detect if E2H is running and revert to default building schedules in your HVAC system.

After enabling the status and restarting the service, you will see the current status and priority of the point.  You can optionally override this point to OFF (priority 8) for testing or temporarily forcing HVAC controllers to used default schedules (if implemented).  To remove the override, click the “Release Override” button and the status should return to ON at priority 14.

Scheduler Health Status

The E2H-S point will be turned OFF if any one of the following health checks fails:

      Main event query frequency setting is set to Disabled.  (e.g. no events are being queried)

      Any critical threads for Task scheduling and Command Queue monitoring stop unexpectedly.  This could be cause by a deadlock or some other fatal error internally causing commands to stop scheduling.

Health is checked every 5 minutes.