Events2HVAC uses the following objects in the Coursedog API for gathering the necessary information for equipment scheduling. All of the data that is consumed from Coursedog by Events2HVAC is read-only.
You can choose how setup and teardown meetings are handled in Events2HVAC. In the Coursedog options dialog, you can tell Events2HVAC how you want to handle setup and teardown:
If you select to “Ignore Setup/Teardown meetings”, all meetings that are setup or teardown events will be excluded from the events returned.
If you include setup/teardown meetings, you have the option to keep those meetings as separate events or you can have Events2HVAC consolidate the setup and teardown events back into the parent (main) event as a setup time and teardown time. The default is to consolidate them into the main event so that each HVAC zone can choose to trigger actions on setup, main event, or teardown trigger points.