Installing the Events2HVAC Application

The Events2HVAC application must reside on a PC or server that is reliable and running 24/7.  This PC will be responsible for issuing commands on time to the BAS equipment.  Shutting down this PC will compromise the scheduled commands for scheduled events.

The PC must also have access to the event provider system and the BAS system over the network. Contact your IT administrator for requirements and security user names and passwords if necessary.

Warning:  You should always make a backup of your Events2HVAC SQL database prior to any installation update or SQL updates!   See the support site for specific steps from our support site:


Warning:  If you are updating an existing installation of Events2HVAC, you should only do so during a time period that is not scheduled to send out commands.  During the installation, the command queue service will be shutdown and any equipment commands that were scheduled during the down period will be missed.


1.  (if applicable) Insert the Events2HVAC installation CD in the PC’s CD drive or copy the installation file downloaded from the website. If the setup doesn’t start automatically, open the CD folder in Windows Explorer and double click the Setup.exe file.

2.  License Agreement – Click on the “I accept the terms of the license agreement” check box to accept the terms on the EULA.

3.  Review the Read Me file for installation notes and other important details about the installation.


4.  Client or Server installation – Select whether the PC that you are currently loading the software on will be a client only installation (equipment configuration and reporting only) or a server installation (configuration, reporting, service location, command queue, etc).  There must be at least one platform that is loaded with the client/server configuration.Client Only Installation

5.  Client Only Installation – This will install only the files needed to configure and view the Events2HVAC information.

(Go to step 8 to continue)