Make a Backup

After you have completed the setup and configuration and confirmed proper operation, backup the files for you configuration.

SQL Backup

The Events2HVAC configuration and equipment definitions are stored in the Events2HVAC SQL database.  Contact your IT department and have them setup an automatic backup job and store it in offsite or on another server in cause of loss of data.

There are several support articles written on this subject on our support site if you need some guidance.  Search for ‘backup’ after logging in.

Configuration Files

There are two configuration files located in the application root directory that should be saved along with your other backup files:

      Events2HVAC.config – Contains E2H client settings

      Events2HVACserver.confg – Contains E2H server settings

Export Equipment

Export out all of your equipment definitions using the File à Export Equipment option.  This will export the definitions in XML format so you can re-import them on top of an existing SQL database.

Save this file in a safe location as well.

Refer to the Export Equipment section.

License File

The license file is located in the application root directory and it is named license.xml.